さがの県産品を紹介する「さがの日々、品々 ANOTHER DAY in SAGA」のブックカタログです。
2022年2月に開催された「第93回 東京インターナショナルギフトショー 春2022」に合わせて制作。tuiiは装丁・デザインを担当しました。
公益財団法人佐賀県産業振興機構 さが県産品流通デザイン公社
監修 / 山田遊、吉岡由実加(method inc.)
ブースデザイン/ 西尾健史(DAYS.)
写真 / 藤本幸一郎
Sagabiyori and Hinohikari rice package design from “Shiroishimori”.
Good farmer and neighbor – the concept of “eating and producing are connected like neighbors”. We are developing a brand of rice, seaweed, and rice balls made by farmar.
Animals such as bears, foxes, shirasagi, mackerels, gather as friends in the story are packaged one by one. Based on handwriting, I created an illustration that expresses the world view of Shiroishimori. While taking advantage of the printing characteristics of rice bags, the illustrations are delicately expressed with dots.
shiroishimori / Shiroishi-cho, Saga
Sunrise 328
Jun Tanaka
Jun Tanaka
Yuki Ito